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註冊日期: 2002 04
來自: 潮汐終止之地
文章: 2370

shunze 離線
《分享》Win7無法登入Linux Samba Server引用回覆 編輯/刪除文章 搜尋由  發表的其他文章 回報給版主 IP 位置 回此頁最上方

順子剛買的Win7 Home版電腦無法登入Linux Samba Server?

經查詢是網路驗證層級 LmCompatibilityLevel 的影響。
只要在以下路徑的註冊機碼中,新增 LmCompatibilityLevel,其dword值為1的機碼即可。


  • 0 - Send LM & NTLM responses:
    Level 0 offers the lowest level of security because LM and NTLM are considered obsolete. Clients at this setting never use NTLMv2. Servers at this setting will accept any of the three protocols.
  • 1 - Send LM & NLTM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated:
    Level 1 allows the use of LM and NTLMv1, so it does not eliminate the vulnerabilities inherent in those protocols. Servers at this setting will continue to accept any of the three protocols, although clients will now have the ability to step up to NTLMv2 if they're able to and the server they're connecting to asks for it.
  • 2 - Send NTLM response only:
    When level 2 is implemented across a domain, clients begin using NTLMv1 and can use NTLMv2 if the servers on the network support it. Domain controllers will again continue to accept any of the three protocols.
  • 3 - Send NTLMv2 response only:
    At level 3, domain controllers still accept any of the three protocols, but client computers so able will use only NTLMv2, ignoring LM and NTLMv1 traffic. This is the minimum security level acceptable for mixed networks on which some clients absolutely must continue to authenticate although they cannot use NTLMv2 (for example, older operating systems, such as Windows 95/98/Me, old Unix versions, Mac OS X 10.3 and earlier). Communication between servers and those older clients will still be insecure, but communication between servers and current clients (e.g., Windows 2000 or XP, Mac OS X 10.4, new Unix distributions) will be secure.
  • 4 - Send NTLMv2 response only\refuse LM:
    At level 4, clients and domain controllers ignore any LM traffic; clients only attempt to use NTLMv2, while domain controllers will accept NTLMv1.
  • 5 - Send NTLMv2 response only\refuse LM & NTLM:
    Level 5 is the highest setting. Clients and servers all actively reject LM and NTLMv1 traffic, and use only NTLMv2.


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